The start of a fresh new year – and a new decade! -  is a ripe time for intention setting and manifesting a life that we love. No matter how we deal with the practice of setting intentions, bringing greater awareness to the energy behind our wishes and desires can help us move forward with clarity and focus.

As we wrap up the first week of the 2020 and the festive energy settles down, we'd like to offer a little dose of inspiration for your musings on the year ahead.

What are you longing for?

Bringing your attention inward, imagine a brand-new, blank page in the book that is your life. 

If you focus just on that feeling of limitless potential- not a specific goal, experience, or accomplishment - what images or feelings come up?

What kinds of emotions do you want to nurture in the new year?

Where and how do you wish to invest your own energy and consciousness?


"Lean in, listen, gather all the light particles of your presence, and give yourself permission to simply steep in the acknowledgment of who you are." - Meghan Currie

If 2019 was the year you realized the person you really needed to commit to was the person in the mirror, the upcoming retreat in Bali (Jan 18-25) with Meghan Currie will anchor that intention deep in your soul. Start the new year healing mind, body and soul, regaining self-love and confidence to move on with clarity and passion.

Meghan currie Bali retreat


“Know your inner goodness to be the essence of your being. Never allow the thought that you are anything else to take charge. Then try to see the same in others.” - Ellen Johannesen

Are you longing for a deep and quiet connection back to the source? Cradled in the ancient Yogic science and Buddhist philosophy. Travel to Nepal with us - it will feel like coming home, like tapping into the power of collective wisdom that unmistakably leads us to greater clarity. Embark on the Yoga Journey to the magical land of Nepal with Ellen Johannesen in April 2020.

Nepal yoga retreat


"If you let go of the need to achieve, you will discover that you already have all the peace you really need inside yourself—between the inhalation and exhalation." - Kino MacGregor 

Experience the magic of personal transformation that happens when we fully embrace the spirit of Ashtanga Yoga by committing to daily practice. If Abhyasa (yogic discipline) is part of your 2020 vision, join Kino MacGregor for a 4-day immersion into the beauty of the Ashtanga Yoga tradition.

kino macgregor in croatia 


"Why you do what you do? The heart-pulse behind every action that flows through. This is one of the most valuable, revealing and anchoring questions and it centers us in the power of our own truth." -Meghan Currie

If you feel that 2020 is the year to express yourself fully - to live your life in alignment with your true purpose, come join us for a week of discovering what moves you. A land full of ancient ritual, wild fiestas, and rich culture - Andalucía is a perfect place to rediscover your very own WHY. Treat yourself with sunshine and deep play at the European Summer Yoga Retreat with Meghan Currie in June 2020. 

Meghan Currie Spain yoga retreat


"Gross to subtle. Physical to non-physical. That is the process of spiritual evolution." -Daniel Rama

Balanced calmness radiates from a true centering in ourselves. To find your way towards a harmonious union between body, mind, and spirit, explore the outer boundaries of your physicality through an intelligent fusion of Yoga asana and functional movement. Join us for a week of meditation and movement exploration with Daniel Rama and Shakti, in Spain. 

becoming balance yoga retreat Spain


"It's easy to get caught up in other people's dreams, expectations and lifestyles. What happens when you step back and realize that you are no longer in touch with your own?" -Shakti Bird

As the year ripens, some of us may forget the agreements we made with ourselves, and get distracted with other people's ideals. If that feels familiar, take time out to feed your spirit, find your balance, and nourish the person you want to be. Join the inspirational Daniel Rama and Shakti Bird on an unforgetable retreat in the Sacred Valley, Peru- and remind yourself that being present is the most authentic way of experiencing yourself and the world around you. 


"We don’t do asana for the sake of asana. We do it for the sake of life. As Yoga practitioners, we should always remember that the practice is all day long.” - David Robson

If your intention for 2020 is to cultivate equanimity and inner peace regardless of external circumstances, to be able to make clear and centered decisions in the face of life's ups and downs - we invite you to join David Robson, a KPJAYI Level 2 Authorized Teacher, and Jelena Vesić for a very rich 2-week study in Zagreb, Croatia.

David Robson Croatia

Welcome to Supersoul.Yoga!

Supersoul = ‘Paramatman’ (परमात्मन्) or the Supereme Soul, exists in the hearts of all beings. (Bhagavad Gita)

Yoga teaches us to live fully, selflessly and gracefully. Creating and holding space for this process, igniting possibilities for more conscious living is at the heart of what we do.

2024 UPDATE: We have been so busy this year circling the globe, visiting the ancient lands, learning, and passing on the knowledge. As we near 2024, we are intentionally taking some time off to recalibrate and finetune our offerings and- please be patient and return to this page for more info soon.

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Add more soul in your life.

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